Information about my Nouris Elbahr Ferries crossing
What time is check-in? When do I need to check in?
Check-in opens 7 hours before departure for vehicles and 4 hours before departure for foot passengers on all routes. If you arrive late you may be refused travel.
Where is the port? What is the port address? How do I find the port?
To help you find the port for your ferry, here are the Nouris Elbahr Ferries port addresses:
Port of Marseille:
Passengers with vehicles: Porte 3B Beauséjour, 4 Chemin du Littoral, 13002 Marseille.
Passengers without vehicles: Porte 3C, Port de Marseille Fos, 13015 Marseille.
Port of Algiers: Terminal 1 Alger, Rue d'Angkor, El Djazair 16000, Algeria.
Port of Alicante: Terminales Marítimas del Sureste, Muelle Pte., 23, 03113 Alicante.
Port of Oran: Gare Maritime Terminal 1 and 2, Quai 9, Oran, Algeria.
Are Nouris Elbahr Ferries running as normal?
If you entered your mobile number when you booked you will be updated by SMS or email if anything changes.
What are the Terms and Conditions of Nouris Elbahr Ferries?
You can find more information about Nouris Elbahr Ferries's terms and conditions here.
How to make changes to your booking
Here are some helpful articles to help you make changes to your booking if your travel plans change:
Other popular questions:
Terms and conditions
View our terms and conditions here.