Information about my Polferries crossing
What time is check-in? When do I need to check in?
The latest check-in times are as follows:
Passenger and car check-in is at least 90 minutes prior to departure.
Where is the port? What is the port address? How do I find the port?
To help you find the port for your ferry, here are the addresses of Polferries ports:
Gdansk Ferry Port Address - Majora Henryka Sucharskiego 70, 80-601 Gdańsk, Poland
Nynäshamn Ferry Port Address - Polferries AB Nynäshamn, Ferry terminal, Nynäsvägen 2B, 149 30 Nynäshamn
Świnoujście Ferry Port Address - Dworcowa 1, 72-606 Świnoujście, Poland
Ystad Ferry Port Address - Polferries AB Ystad, Bornholmsgatan 8D, 271 39 Ystad
Are Polferries running as normal?
For the latest Polferries Travel updates call 0048 22 230 2222.
Can I travel with my pet on a Polferries crossing?
Polferries permits passengers to travel with pets (including guide dogs and assistance dogs) on all routes. Pets must travel in a pet-friendly cabin, except for on the daily Świnoujście - Ystad departures where passengers can purchase a seat for themselves and a ticket for their pet.
What are the Terms and Conditions of Polferries?
You can find more information about Polferries' terms and conditions here.
How to make changes to your booking
Here are some helpful articles to help you make changes to your booking if your travel plans change:
Other popular questions:
Terms and conditions
View our terms and conditions here.