How can I change my booking?

How to amend dates, add passengers, change vehicles and more

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

To make a change to your booking please first log in to your booking via 'My Account' or 'Manage my Booking' and select 'Change Booking'. Here you will be presented with the following 2 options:

If this doesn't work for any reason Please send us a message with the details you wish to change and we will be happy to help you.

Change Booking Details

This option is great if you need to change any of the following on your booking:

  • Date or time of Travel

  • Numbers or types of passengers

  • Adding a Pet

  • Changing your vehicle type or size

  • Adding a trailer, caravan, roof box, bike rack

  • Upgrading your onboard accommodation, adding extras (like priority loading, meals), or tariff type.

To complete any of the above simply follow the booking steps, make your desired changes and price will be recalculated.

Once you have agreed to the price we will then check the availabilty of your requested change and confirm this back to you.

Change Names and Vehicle Registration

This option is great for making simple changes such as:

  • Changing Passenger names

  • Changing Vehicle registration

To complete any of the above simply make your desired changes and it will be confirmed instantly.

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